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Let the Music Play!

Higher Love teams with professional musicians and artists, and together, have reached over 150 PRISONS and 30,000 INMATES with messages of LOVE, HOPE and WORTH.  

From oldies, R&B and POP to meaningful SONGS OF FAITH, we use music, along with testimony of former inmates (returned citizens) to break down barriers and remind them we are all equal before a loving God, and EVERY LIFE is a STORY OF REDEMPTION AND HEALING waiting to happen.

During each concert, we provide the opportunity for inmates, staff and officers to receive communion in a moment of GRACE, HEALING, and FORGIVENESS.  You can read how these moments are impacting peoples' lives -- not just the day of the show, but ongoing and ever-spreading, to other inmates, families and staff.

Our NEXT TOUR, featuring our extraordinary house band, HOPE REVIVAL, will be reaching nearly 3,000 inmates in Alabama and Florida.  More details soon!

Ways to support this outreach

We've toured for 15 years, and every tour needs outside support to meet the abundance of need.  Please consider helping us meet some needs in one of several ways...



Each tour we travel a couple thousand miles with a full team of artists and volunteers.  Please join us in praying for safety and smooth admittance at each stop; for God's grace to move through staff and inmates, and receptivity for ongoing friendships, growth and renewal.


Please sign up for our newsletter to become aware of specific dates and prayer needs.



The biggest need for each tour is the financial need.  Transportation, fuel, hotel rooms and supplies all add up very quickly.


Historically, it costs $12.50 to reach each inmate, with every tour touching the lives of 2,000+ men and women. Please consider sponsoring a single inmate, a dorm (72 inmates), or fill a chapel (200 inmates) as you ponder your giving. 


We are a 501c(3) and donations are tax deductible.



Are you a musician or artist who'd like to volunteer your talents and visit men and women in prison?  We are often looking to fill in spots for tours and events.  


Want to write letters to inmates or respond to their emails?  Let us know!


Do you enjoy social media and want to share our message?  We are growing our team of online ambassadors.


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